Well, that is the plan. I mean I can't say that mind thought will change. I could get bugged by my ear ache that has been around for over a week. (oh, it is improving, but still can't sleep because the pressure on it when I lay down keeps me awake.) Or I could hear that someone is talking badly about me...knowing the person, it is not really surprising. But, hey, I know how I treat them, and ALL that I do for them. So, their problem not mine. Or, I could realize that I had my grocery list all written down, and now I can't find it!
But, nope, gonna try to fill all of the above. What, you are still laughing?
Ok, I might make it, if I call it an early day.
Oh wait, I forgot..my ear hurts when I lay down..
Since I got behind..again. Thought I would let u in on my being good project. I am wanting to get back to you all later on today.
I will let ya know how I did on the being nice..etc.
Til then!
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